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Über Andreas Morlok
BÜCHER Andreas Morlok

Juli 2020 beendet!

Yulin ist eine Stadt im Südosten der Volksrepublik China, die wegen ihrem abscheulichen Hundefleisch-Festival international in die Schlagzeilen geraten ist. Seit 2009 findet dort zur Sommersonnenwende vom 21. bis 30. Juni ein Festival statt, bei dem als Hauptattraktion etwa 10.000 Hunde und auch Katzen geschlachtet und verzehrt werden. 


Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie unter: YULIN - China







停止廣西玉林狗肉节, 拒吃猫狗肉! - Stop the Yulin Dog Meat Festival, Say No To Dog and Cat Meat!

Dear Sir/Madam,

I politely urge you to ban the Dog Meat & Lychee Festival in Yulin, Guangxi and place a permanent ban on the trade and killing of dogs and cats for their meat.

China's food safety regulations ban the processing, selling and serving of products from diseased or dead animals of unknown causes but dogs and cats are still being killed and eaten.

Animal protection laws need to be implemented now. The ugly trade of killing and eating dogs and cats is tarnishing China's 5,000 years of civilization and it is casting a bloody "hell on earth", seriously damaging the image of China's reputation to the rest of the world. 

Every year thousands of dogs and cats are horrifically tortured and killed for people to eat. At the time of the Summer Solstice in Yulin, Guangxi, a 'dog meat lychee festival' takes place. Most of the dogs are stolen pets from Chinese families who love them very much. They are transported, often for days, with no food or water and are packed tightly in to cages too small for them to even stand up or turn around in. They are killed in various ways like being beaten to death, being repeatedly stabbed in their chest, being hung from a noose, being boiled alive and being skinned alive while barely conscious from the torture.

We live in the 21st century. Let us set an example to the rest of the world by banning the dog and cat meat trade and the 'dog meat lychee festival' at Yulin. Let us also protect our own animals with laws and protect our fellow human beings from the diseases that the dog and cat meat trade carries.

I await your decision.

Respectfully yours



xinfangchu@agri.gov.cn, fmgwb@126.com, english@mail.gov.cn, premier@mail.gov.cn, zlfwjjz@163.com, chinaemb_ag@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_au@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_at@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_bs@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_bh@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_by@mfa.gov.cn, chinaconsul_sc_bo@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_bw@mfa.gov.cn, chinaconsul_sp_br@mfa.gov.cn, chinaconsul_cal_ca@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_cf@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_co@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_cu@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_dj@mfa.gov.cn, chinaconsul_gy_ec@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_gq@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_et@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_fj@mfa.gov.cn, press@chinemb.fi, chinaemb_fr@mfa.gov.cn, de@mofcom.gov.cn, chinaconsul_mu_de@mfa.gov.cn, chinaconsul_ham_de@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_gr@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_gn@mfa.gov.cn, Chinaemb@simnet.is, chinaemb_in@mfa.gov.cn, chinaconsul_kkt@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_ir@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_ie@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_jm@mfa.gov.cn, chinaconsul_osa_jp@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_jo@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_kw@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_kg@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_lv@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_ls@mfa.gov.cn, Chinaemb_lr@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_lt@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_mk@mfa.gov.cn, Chinaemb_ml@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_mt@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_mr@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_mz@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_mm@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_na@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_nl@mfa.gov.cn, chinaconsul_ak_nz@mfa.gov.cn, embchina@intnet.ne, chinaemb_ng@mfa.gov.cn, webmaster@chinese-embassy.no, chinaemb_pg@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_pe@mfa.gov.cn, consulate_laoag@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_cd@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_ro@mfa.gov.cn, chinaconsul_co_ro@mfa.gov.cn, chinaconsul_khab_ru@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_rw@mfa.gov.cn, chinaconsul_jd_sa@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_sa@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_yu@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_sc@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_sl@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_sg@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_si@mfa.gov.cn, chinaconsul_jb_za@mfa.gov.cn, chinaconsul_db_za@mfa.gov.cn, chinaconsul_ct_za@mfa.gov.cn, chinaconsul_bu_kr@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_lk@mfa.gov.cn, chinaconsul_zu_ch@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_sy@mfa.gov.cn, chinaconsul_zan_tz@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_tg@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_to@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_tt@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_tn@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_tr@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_ug@mfa.gov.cn, chnchslt@hotmail.com, chinaemb_ae@mfa.gov.cn, chinaconsul_man_uk@mfa.gov.cn, losangeles_consulate@hotmail.com, chinaembpress_us@mfa.gov.cn, chinaconsul_hcm_vn@mfa.gov.cn, consulate_cri@mfa.gov.cn,








停止廣西玉林狗肉节, 拒吃猫狗肉! - Stop the Yulin Dog Meat Festival, Say No To Dog and Cat Meat!

Dear Sir/Madam,

I politely urge you to ban the Dog Meat & Lychee Festival in Yulin, Guangxi and place a permanent ban on the trade and killing of dogs and cats for their meat.

China's food safety regulations ban the processing, selling and serving of products from diseased or dead animals of unknown causes but dogs and cats are still being killed and eaten.

Animal protection laws need to be implemented now. The ugly trade of killing and eating dogs and cats is tarnishing China's 5,000 years of civilization and it is casting a bloody "hell on earth", seriously damaging the image of China's reputation to the rest of the world. 

Every year thousands of dogs and cats are horrifically tortured and killed for people to eat. At the time of the Summer Solstice in Yulin, Guangxi, a 'dog meat lychee festival' takes place. Most of the dogs are stolen pets from Chinese families who love them very much. They are transported, often for days, with no food or water and are packed tightly in to cages too small for them to even stand up or turn around in. They are killed in various ways like being beaten to death, being repeatedly stabbed in their chest, being hung from a noose, being boiled alive and being skinned alive while barely conscious from the torture.

We live in the 21st century. Let us set an example to the rest of the world by banning the dog and cat meat trade and the 'dog meat lychee festival' at Yulin. Let us also protect our own animals with laws and protect our fellow human beings from the diseases that the dog and cat meat trade carries.

I await your decision.

Respectfully yours



xinfangchu@agri.gov.cn, fmgwb@126.com, english@mail.gov.cn, premier@mail.gov.cn, zlfwjjz@163.com, chinaemb_ag@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_au@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_at@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_bs@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_bh@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_by@mfa.gov.cn, chinaconsul_sc_bo@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_bw@mfa.gov.cn, chinaconsul_sp_br@mfa.gov.cn, chinaconsul_cal_ca@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_cf@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_co@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_cu@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_dj@mfa.gov.cn, chinaconsul_gy_ec@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_gq@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_et@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_fj@mfa.gov.cn, press@chinemb.fi, chinaemb_fr@mfa.gov.cn, de@mofcom.gov.cn, chinaconsul_mu_de@mfa.gov.cn, chinaconsul_ham_de@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_gr@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_gn@mfa.gov.cn, Chinaemb@simnet.is, chinaemb_in@mfa.gov.cn, chinaconsul_kkt@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_ir@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_ie@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_jm@mfa.gov.cn, chinaconsul_osa_jp@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_jo@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_kw@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_kg@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_lv@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_ls@mfa.gov.cn, Chinaemb_lr@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_lt@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_mk@mfa.gov.cn, Chinaemb_ml@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_mt@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_mr@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_mz@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_mm@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_na@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_nl@mfa.gov.cn, chinaconsul_ak_nz@mfa.gov.cn, embchina@intnet.ne, chinaemb_ng@mfa.gov.cn, webmaster@chinese-embassy.no, chinaemb_pg@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_pe@mfa.gov.cn, consulate_laoag@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_cd@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_ro@mfa.gov.cn, chinaconsul_co_ro@mfa.gov.cn, chinaconsul_khab_ru@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_rw@mfa.gov.cn, chinaconsul_jd_sa@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_sa@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_yu@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_sc@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_sl@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_sg@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_si@mfa.gov.cn, chinaconsul_jb_za@mfa.gov.cn, chinaconsul_db_za@mfa.gov.cn, chinaconsul_ct_za@mfa.gov.cn, chinaconsul_bu_kr@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_lk@mfa.gov.cn, chinaconsul_zu_ch@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_sy@mfa.gov.cn, chinaconsul_zan_tz@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_tg@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_to@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_tt@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_tn@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_tr@mfa.gov.cn, chinaemb_ug@mfa.gov.cn, chnchslt@hotmail.com, chinaemb_ae@mfa.gov.cn, chinaconsul_man_uk@mfa.gov.cn, losangeles_consulate@hotmail.com, chinaembpress_us@mfa.gov.cn, chinaconsul_hcm_vn@mfa.gov.cn, consulate_cri@mfa.gov.cn,


02.04.20 - Sehr erfreuliche Nachricht aus China! Hoffentlich hat dies Vorbildcharakter für ganz China und Asien! - Historisches Gesetz: Stadt in China verbietet erstmals das Essen von Haustieren - https://www.focus.de/panorama/welt/shenzhen-erlaesst-neue-verordnung-historisches-neues-gesetz-chinesische-stadt-verbietet-erstmals-das-essen-von-haustieren-wegen-corona_id_11841751.html?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=facebook-focus-online-gesundheit&fbc=facebook-focus-online-gesundheit&ts=202004021149&cid=02042020&fbclid=IwAR0sD5z4exOgrsW5Gyyg5uShPQSHDsQFVzFnUl2TCEqP2ogkefovnfuEPR0

24.02.20 - Ein Anfang! - Reaktion auf Corona-Epidemie - China verbietet Verzehr von Wildtieren - https://www.n-tv.de/panorama/China-verbietet-Verzehr-von-Wildtieren-article21597524.html?fbclid=IwAR0fYk9-P2ogB809GIHwm8zofUunAhwoqEGjGGAAHZV4O2ogwxuQFs_byRk